
The first time I heard about “Couchsurfing Program” I was a little bit in shock! I was thinking, is it for real?  How can people do this..? What are they thinking?

If you never heard about it, I will tell you what “Couchsurfing” is about:

“Couchsurfing” was created in 2003 as a non-profitable company. The main purpose of this program is  simple: find a free place to sleep, share experiences, teach or learn languages, learn a new cooking recipe from another part of the world, and unlimited possibilities.

First Surfers I’ve ever met (Stephanie and Sophie from Germany)


If you are a traveler you can find a host for 1, 2, 3… etc  days in a foreign or local city,   and if you have a house, flat, or a room you can receive “surfers” for the time you want.

As a surfer, you can expect that maybe you will sleep in the floor, in a sofa, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, with the dog…just using your sleeping bag. You have to be conscious that is not a hotel or a resort, maybe you will experience a “cultural-shock” while entering in the host’s place, the way they talk, their rules, the traditions they have, crazy isn’t it? …but believe me it totally worth it.

Sign Up for Couchsurfing now in their website!

Surfers from Belarus

As a host, you have to be an “open-mind” person (if you are not, I think “Couchsurfing” is not for you :P ) , you will host unknown people in your place, you don’t know how they are, if they are cool or not, if they will respect your precious apartment of 20 square meters… I am sure before accepting the first surfer in your place you are going to be really paranoiac, you will think:… OMG if he is a murder?, what if he steals my little souvenir from Paris that my girlfriend gave me?, etc, etc, etc….

Surfer from France! :)

Also, you have to be very friendly with the surfers, maybe it is their first time in the country or in the city, they don’t speak the local language and they feel a little bit lost.  You  should  explain with full details how to get in your apartment, maybe tips of transportation, cost of the tickets, give information about the main attractions of the city… this is not mandatory, but the surfers will really appreciate it.

First experience as a surfer in Belarus

My personal experience in this program began in December 2013, when I received in my flat in Warsaw 2 amazing German girls (Sophie and Stephanie), they spent 4 days with us, including New Year’s Eve Party! It was amazing!  Since then, I loved “Couchsurfing” and began to receive surfers from all over the world (Spain, France, Russia, Belarus, Mexico, China, Lithuania, US, Ukraine, Brazil, etc). You can share your personal experiences, talk about your country and culture, teach few words of your language, learn tips from the surfers,  learn how to say “cheers” in multiple languages… and the best of everything is that is FREE!

So give a look on the website of “Couchsurfing” ( , create your profile, and start planning your next trip to wherever country/city you want! or began to host people in your place and learn from the surfers!

-What is your craziest experience in this program?

-Do you want to participate in it?

-Have you traveled as a surfer?

-Have you already host a surfer?

-All your experiences were all positive or negative?


Mexican blogger living in Poland